Map & Parking

$5 parking is behind the High School and Upper Elementary School and supports student activities.

Enter on Bridge St at Parking Sign or at the school entrance at Hardy Bush Way at the 202 Spur-Lower York Rd near the granite statue for the Upper Elementary School Lot.

More parking is at Union Square, at the Railroad Station, and at meters and parking lots downtown with a free shuttle to the Festival and Parking from South Main St near the Bucks County Playhouse.  You will need $5 cash for the School lots, quarters or a credit card at Union Square, and you will need 3 quarters per hour at most meters or you can use the ParkMobile or PayByPhone App on your smartphone in many areas. Free shuttle buses run from 10am-6pm on Saturday, and 10-5 on Sunday to/from South Main Street Bus Stops.

Please be Advised: $5 HANDICAPPED Parking is LIMITED for the large number of visitors we have. Please leave your cell phone # on the Dashboard and move your vehicle when leaving the Festival.